I'm blogging about Christmas after New Year's... yes,
yes, I am. And I'm not ashamed. Hehe. If I could make a spontaneous New Year's
resolution, it would be to not be so chronologically-minded. It's true! I'm usually
so stuck on the chronology of events, that I can hardly make myself blog out of
order. And then my friends are limited in their enjoyments of my blogs, because
the writings languish in my drafts folder for so long that I delete them... or
worse yet, they fail to make the jump from my mind onto the computer at all!
So here's to enjoying blogging whenever I have time, and
being victorious in sharing the beautiful life moments whenever I can... even
if it is after the fact. (honestly, what is it about our culture that demands
such instant-live-replay? Must things be immediate to be relevant? Facebook has
ruined us all!). ;
Back to the matters at hand.... Christmas! Our first
Christmas as a married couple!
We planned for alot of quiet and cozy
Christmas memories. When friends asked our plans for Christmas, I told them a
little merrily that "we planned to not leave our house from Friday evening
til Tuesday morning, except church on Sunday." And we did it!
Christmas involved lots of relaxation and reading and Christmas movie
watching... creating new traditions around our new little family unit
(Brandon-husband + Naomi-wife + Caspian-kitty). It involved enjoying delicious
food that is relegated to only special occasions... like an amazing cheese
plate + sushi + a little caviar + chocolate and strawberry tarts.
Spicy eggnog
and delectable hot chocolate. Christmas dinner of decidedly non-traditional shrimp
and steak.
We had the traditional Christmas meal when celebrating with my
parents earlier in the week, so we felt free to celebrate with different foods.
The best mashed potatoes ever made. Asparagus spears wrapped in bacon.
And bananas for desserts.
Brandon loves banana pudding.
I love banana splits.
And the eternal question, what about Christmas gifts?
What did you give? What did you get?
I was Christmas shopping up until Friday evening
(Christmas Eve Eve). And I was successful. There was excited whooping and yelling
and happiness, especially since for weeks afterward, my husband keeps telling
me how much he loves his Christmas gifts. He especially loves his new brown
leather dress shoes. Which, I must agree... those are some classy shoes. ;) I
also framed our wedding vows for display... which Brandon told me later, he thought
of doing the same thing... hehe! Great minds think alike. :)
He gave me one very beautiful, very sentimental gift. An
engraved picture frame with all the amazing words that he said on our wedding
video just moments before the ceremony. And yes, there were a few tears on my
part. It was *that* good.
And our best gift? A Christmas spent together. We spent
so much time reveling in all that God has blessed us with in 2011. It was a
landmark year for both. It was filled with more love than we have ever known,
more miracles and more testimonies of His blessing, more revelations of the
goodness of God and more newlywed bliss than we thought possible.
It's a little belated.. but we don't care, remember?
Merry Christmas to you and yours.