When Kelly and I first chatted about taking her senior pictures, I told her that I was super-excited to do these portraits because (1) I had a TON of location ideas, and (2) she has the most ridiculous blue eyes I have ever seen. No joke! When I first met her, I just assumed that she had some pretty awesome color-contacts! lol Nope, these are all the work of our Creator. He decided that Kelly needed the kind of blue-eyed beauty that makes people stare. Or maybe I'm the one that's staring. Because eyes are so fascinating!
Anyway... enough of the blathering blogging... we've been waiting long enough for these pics! Without further ado, here's Kelly!

And then, she's got this music thing goin on...

Because blog entries are really just photographer's choice: I like this one. Because Kelly's hair looks GOOD. Suh-weet layers! And she probably cut it herself. 'Cause she can do that... multi-talented!

My favorite!! Very nearly the last shot of the night.. Love those city lights!

Anyway... enough of the blathering blogging... we've been waiting long enough for these pics! Without further ado, here's Kelly!
And then, she's got this music thing goin on...
Because blog entries are really just photographer's choice: I like this one. Because Kelly's hair looks GOOD. Suh-weet layers! And she probably cut it herself. 'Cause she can do that... multi-talented!
My favorite!! Very nearly the last shot of the night.. Love those city lights!
(c) These photos are the property of Naomi Elle. They may not be copied or altered without written permission of myself. Stealing makes me sad.
Wow!! I love these pictures!!! :) The ones on the train track with the guitar are my favorite!!