My youth group does many fun activities... movie nights, game nights, playing kickball and football and Ultimate frisbee, scavenger hunts around town, road-trips, etc... but every once in awhile, we have a Formal night. Everyone gets dressed up nice + pretty, and we go out to dinner at a niiiice restaurant and hang out. :) It's super fun (especially for the girls because they LOVE that part about 'dressing up'). Awwwww... look at those cute faces! :)

(Kimmie's photo taken by Abbie, and my photo taken by my mom!)
Yeah, there was only one guy. But he represented his gender well!
All the girls!
Flowers in hair? Classy!
So many girls were rockin' these shoes under their formal gowns!
There's always one who eschews the formal look for something more her style. Tiffany went for cowgirl/country look. I LIKE IT!
On to the group shots...
One last photo taken by our waitress!
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