You can learn something from everyone. And I've been mulling over a little lesson that I learned a few weeks ago. You were treated to a few portraits of
Dave & Savage the Horse earlier this week. I'm convinced that Dave is a person gifted in hospitality.
While it helps that he lives in the most beautiful stone house tucked away in the stillness of Pennsylvania's Sugar Valley...

With the magical house name of "Ironwood & Roses."
With a porch that just hugs you with welcome...

The wooden screen door that closes with a satisfying SLAM.

Reminders of the nearby horses.

Delightful summer blooms at every turn..

Perfect place for a picnic.

The sounds of rippling creek waters echoing softly around you.

While all of these things add to the joy of visiting Dave at his home, what I really love is his genuine happiness in spending time with friends. He is the kind of person that makes one feel welcomed. Conversation is alternately deep and humourous and fun and spiritual and fully satisfying. It is time well spent. I love the memories of times spent at Ironwood & Roses. I love that I visit Dave's home and page through his ever-present guestbook to see my squiggly teenager's signature from years past. And I remember delightful retreats spent with my church groups, monumentel times of conversation with friends, times of worship and preaching and ministry.

And though this place is beautiful, it is here that I'm reminded of what it means to be hospitable. To open one's home to friends and strangers alike. To put aside tasks and everything that must be done, to just focus on others. To do unto others as you would have them do unto you. To truly LOVE.

Thanks, Dave, for teaching me a life-lesson through your lifestyle of hospitality.