I have been literally aching to share images of my own
bridal bliss for months and months.. and the time has finally
come. *Biggest smile ever* The wedding photos
are coming VERY SOON, my friends.
But before a
wedding, there is a bridal
Now I have planned
and helped with enough bridal showers in my lifetime, that I was both curious
and a little skeptical about my own. Questions were going 'round and 'round in my head. Like "what's it going to look like/be like?" and "how
is my sis (and matron-of-honor) gonna do it without me?" Usually, my sis
and I plan for things together so I thought it might be a little difficult for
her without me...
But no problem!!
My sis and my other two bridesmaids, my sis-in-laws (or, we could
say, sis-in-loves) are the craftiest, helpfulest, most tasteful and classy
party planners ever. They started planning almost immediately. Brandon & I's engagement
was only four months long (yeeeah!!) and so as soon as the bridesmaids & I headed out for our
dress shopping expeditions, there they were... whispering in the
background... Every so often, I'd make a comment and they'd shoo me away. While
the date of the bridal shower was no surprise, those sister-bridesmaids wanted
me to have no part in the planning. To just enjoy myself and have the most
wonderful experience as a bride.
They took my adoration for all things Matchy-Matchy, my obsession
with pictures of my beloved fiancee & I and our wedding colors... and
created an absolutely SPECTACTULAR bridal shower.
Let me walk you through this:
Candles. And beautiful, beautiful decorations.
The most amazing iced coffee and summery drinks. (I drank so much iced coffee that I talked like one of "The Chipmunks". Caffeine high!).
Tea-cup favors with a special coffee love-bird blend.
Omygosh, mini cheesecakes with different toppings.
My unique bridal-shower gift... all the guests signed a t-shirt.
The front was embroidered with "Brandon's Bride." I definitely wore
that shirt on the morning of my wedding day. :)

I can hardly say enough about my bridesmaids. They envisioned a
magnificent bridal shower and worked so hard to make it happen beautifully. I
was a little *sniff-sniff* teary-eyed after the day was over. Just in awe of
the amount of time and effort and energy that my sisters (by blood and by love)
put out just for me.
Thank you, Nikki, Kelsey, and Chelsea.
For giving me the most amazing bridal shower possible.
A reminder... that being a bride doesn't keep me from that camera. :)
And one last thing. :)
*All photos are my own, except when I'm in it. Then, photo credit
to my mom. :)
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