Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bruce & Mandi {State College, PA Engagement Photography}

It was RA training at Penn State University.
Bruce & Mandi met for the first time.
"Did you like her right away?"
"Yes, I did!"

Apparently, they were really impressive RA trainees.
And took their "diversity" training very seriously,
Which really meant, Bruce took the opportunity to visit a different campus ministry. And Mandi was there, too. And so began a friendship...
... as they were both RAs in this building.
(I love visiting places that are important to a couple's relationship!)

And the rest is history....
One day, on a green bench at the PSU Arboretum, they began officially dating.

And one year later (Reenactment ahead!!)
Bruce asked her something else. Something reeeeeeeally important.
"Will you marry me?"

FYI: Mandi said yes. Bruce gave a thumbs up. :D

I think this was the only serious picture we took. They're happy-in-love :)

From the moment we started the engagement session (the first time I met Bruce & Mandi in person), we chattered away non-stop. Of course, we were facebook-friends already and knew each other's friends-of-friends. And they wanted to hear my love story (and I do loooove to talk about that ;). And I was privileged to hear about their lives and plans and the way their love unfolded. :)

Spontaneous slow-dance, anyone? *heart is melting* Awwwww.

I get a little happy seeing these messages pop up on facebook between Bruce & Mandi.
"I get a cardio workout just from looking at you." Isn't this soo "us" like? :)"
"I'll be your honey bee. Will you be my honeysuckle? :D"

*insert moment where I hop up-and-down in glee at the photo session*
It's okay, I'm fine... just giddy. :D

Some funny-childish-in-the-cutest-sense-of-the-word piggyback rides!

Promised with a ring ;)

Bruce & Mandi,
I like your story. I like your love. And I like that I get to photograph your wedding. Because you are amazing-fun-wonderful-happy people that will have a *beautiful* wedding & I'm soooo excited to be a part of it!! :)

They're Married! Clint & Marsha

July 23rd, 2011
Clint & Marsha became man and wife!

Stay tuned for the full blog entry.... :)