Friday, February 25, 2011

{Friday LOVE} Pocket Camera

I have discovered a few things about photography recently.
Sometimes my amazingly awesome, fantastic Nikon D700 camera... is heavy. Sometimes I want to take a picture without carrying around my psuedo-camera bag and a few lenses. Sometimes I want to focus on experiencing life...
enjoying moments...
revelling in beauty...
capturing memories.

And this was my solution!

The tiny, affordable, yet quality Canon Powershot SD1300!
(I am not paid to advertise for this camera; I just like it!)

Perfect for capturing beauty.

Or funny self-portraits.

Or documenting coffee&cupcake times.

And there can be some artistic ventures... even with a tiny camera.

Today, my {LOVE} is dedicated to a tiny pocket camera. Who is hiding in my purse at this exact moment. Waiting to emerge and capture a memory.

*all these photos are straight-out-of-camera. No editing. A little tip for all the picture-takers who read the blog: how to improve your pictures taken with a small point&shoot pocket camera? Turn off the flash and look for natural light. :) It makes *such* a difference!! :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A.'s 1 Year Portraits {Bellefonte, PA Children's Portrait Photography}

A. is my other January niece. Isn't she just so pretty-in-pink?

Baby blue eyes.

Snowglobe? So sparkly!

Funny face!!

There was baby-giggles involved.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

{Children} Noah's Funny Faces

I was trying to sneak in a little brother + sister love at the end of Serenity's 1st year portrait session. Fun part is that big-brother Noah has lost his two front teeth. And he is *SUCH* a ham!! Check out these faces!

Monday, February 21, 2011

{Children} Serenity - 1 Year Portraits

I have two little nieces with birthdays very close together.. Which means birthday parties & yearly portraits! While I prefer outside portraits, we worked with the natural light and stayed inside... since it *was* January & brrrrrr! So cold!!

Serenity's got style!! I loved her little accessories!! Scarf and flower headband and necklace.... :)

Every girl needs a cell phone.

I can't resist posting this one. "Mug shot," anyone? :D

It's a tutu!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

{Friday LOVE} Roses

So I missed a week in the {Friday LOVE} series. Not because I lacked subjects. It's just that loving life is kind of distracting. But enough with the non-blogging excuses. We've had some beautiful weather in the last couple days here in central Pennsylvania. It was almost enough to make up for the snow & ice storms of the last few weeks. I'm not a fan of Winter. But I *am* a fan of Roses.

I {LOVE} roses.
Roses are such a beautiful flower.
Most classy flower ever.
Elegant and gorgeous without even trying.

So yeah, maybe I did a little photo shoot with the roses...

Roses even look good surrounded by snow & ice...
or on a porch swing..

And for the record, no matter what you call it....
A rose still smells as sweet. :)

I {LOVE} Roses.