Thursday, February 3, 2011

{Travel} Small Town, USA... Carlisle!

I like to be prepared for my job as a wedding photographer... so sometimes, I go location-scouting. For this fantastic winter wedding, I really wanted to get an idea of the "lay of the land" and some locations for bride & groom portraits. I knew that time would be short and the weather would be frigid, so I decided to take a little early-January road trip to Carlisle, PA, and scope out the area. And I fell in love with this funny little historic/college town. There was just enough small-town Americana vibe that I felt right at home (I'm just a small-town girl!).. and with interesting buildings, and funny little shops, and strange storefronts... I was enchanted.

Here's a little taste of my winter day in Carlisle. :)

Cute doll shop and tea room... I want to take my little nieces here!! They would ooooooh and aaaaaaah to their itty-bitty hearts' content!

Antiques, anyone?? These were too rich for my blood, but I enjoyed looking and dreaming a little bit...

And I learned at the antiques store... that you should always chat up the locals. They'll give endless bits of good information (if they love their hometown). The nice saleswoman pointed me in the direction of Pomfred Street. A little off the beaten path (several blocks past the town center), but definitely worth the little walk.

Quirky specialty shops down Pomfred Street...

Including a bookstore. Oooh bookstores, HOW I LOVE THEE!!

I liked these books...

But this book? The Memoir of John Newton? I nearly cried when I put it back on the shelf. Common sense prevails..

Thrift stores are fascinating. I look at the books, and take pictures of the art. Never buy it (not my style), but I like to stare anyway.

And take a quick self-portrait in the thrift store mirror. :) I was bundled up in my winter-wear!!

Since it was freezing outside, like 5 degrees frigid, my poor little feet were frozen. I couldn't feel my toes. And I was tired of walking. So I found myself in this new-favorite coffeeshop several times during the day.

I was too busy toasting my toes in the fireplace to get a photo of the inside. It's very cozy and cute, though. :) And I highly recommend the "Roca Mocha". :D

The library of Carlisle was the coolest library I've ever been in (with exception of the Library of Congress). Very, very architecturally fascinating. I tried to find a stairs to go up on the balcony, but alas, it was "for employees' only." I do not ignore signs. Most of the time.

Stained Glass Window! In the Library! YES.

Lovely town. Lovely day.
And a funny little bench to end this post. :)

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