I'm currently sitting in my home office... cleaning off my desk, answering wedding inquiries and happily drinking coffee from my new favorite mug. 2010 has been an interesting year for me! I decided to up my game in photography.. by upgrading my equipment (D700!!!!! + new lenses!), upgrading my website (http://www.naomielle.com/) and pretty much taking pictures of everything that moves (and some things that don't). :D
I started to define my style as a photographer... Classy. Authentic. Happy.
I discovered how much I absolutely *adore* engagement sessions. They make me jump up-and-down with joy + excitement during the session and make me ooooooh and ahhhh for days whenever I edit them. :D
I photographed weddings myself for the first time ever...
I second-shot two weddings with my favoritest photographer mentor ever. (ohh gee, Kristen Leigh!)
And I shot a wedding while being a bridesmaid + wedding singer, too.. (don't ever do that, you will probably go crazy! hahaha)
I learned that I *LOVE* wedding photography.
2011. A Year for LOVE.
And because I looooove it, I'm extending the Client Referral Program until January 15th, 2011!! So refer-refer-refer... It's pretty easy! Suggest that your friends "like" Naomi Elle Photography on facebook!! www.facebook.com/naomiellephotography! Send them over to www.naomielle.com. Call your friends, text your friends, maybe even send a singing telegram! (do those even exist?). Good for you, good for them and good for me!
And now I'm looking forward to 2011. A time to love.

Yay! New D700! You'll love it. Have a fantastic year!